Two Panels from MCAF 2022

Living Cities

From the suburbs of Maui to the alleys of Hochelaga, the city is more than just a landscape, it is a window on our way of life and a reflection of our fears, hopes, dreams, and nightmares. Come and meet three creators from all over the world for whom the lived environment is just as important as the characters in their story.

Cab (@cabtastic )
R. Kikuo Johnson (@r_kikuo_johnson )
Jared Muralt (@jaredmuralt )

Moderated by:
François Vigneault (@francoisvigneault )

Adaptation in Comics: Classics Reimagined

Whether it’s Dracula, the Little Prince or the Knights of the Round Table, certain characters and stories exert an undeniable fascination on our collective unconscious. Why do these tales in particular continue to inspire new visions, adaptations, and spin-offs, and what challenges do comic book creators face in bringing these stories to the page?

Katharina Greve (@katharina.greve )
Salgood Sam (@salgoodsam )
Sacha Lefebvre (@sachaillustration )

Moderated by:
François Vigneault (@francoisvigneault )