TITAN Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) Available!

Photo by @frinsreads

Hey all!

Well, we are all in an interesting position for the time being, huh? I am very lucky in that despite the major changes that Covid-19 has had on everyday life here in Montréal (which unfortunately has a fairly high case load, but is also being well managed on the local, provincial, and federal level), I am able to continue to work from home, and I have a large, ongoing, and still secret comic book project (I’ll tell you about it someday, I promise!) that is taking up all my time. My partner and I are doing well, both working full-time from home, and only getting somewhat antsy as the confinement stretches on.

In the evenings at home I’ve been enjoying reading The Years of Rice and Saltby Kim Stanley Robinson, watching The Plot Against America, and playing Darkest Dungeon. What have you been checking out in your free time? 

If you find yourself looking for some more reading material to while away the hours, Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) of TITAN are currently available for download on several of the big galley sites: Here it is on NetGalley and here it is on Edelweiss.plus

The deal with ARCs is pretty simple, you get to read an early, perhaps not 100% final edit of the book, and in return you then post an honest review on a site like NetGalley and/or Goodreads (here is the link to TITAN on Goodreads). 

If you are interested in taking a look at the new, updated edition of TITAN many months early, please check it out! I’m eager to hear any feedback you might have, and posting a public review on Goodreads, etc can make a big difference for the success of the book when it is eventually released! Oh, and naturally, while I hope you like the book, dont hesitate to post a middling or even negative review or rating online! The most important thing for me is to get people’s honest opinions; if you think that TITAN is a 2-star book don’t worry, I won’t get my feelings hurt.

If you have any trouble downloading the ARCs online feel free to drop me a line and I can send you a direct link. I’m also happy to hear any comments or questions you might have over on my Patreon (in fact I have been cross-posting a few of those thoughtful questions to my Goodreads profile). Always love to hear what you have to say about my work, or questions about the business of comics in general… Heck, I just like to hear from people!

Hope you are taking care of yourselves and all my best in these wild times. Talk soon!