Bird Brain #5 Coming Out Soon!

I meant to have the fifth issue of Bird Brain out last September, for the San Francisco Zine Fest, and then, when that didn’t happen, I at least wanted to have it published for the East Bay Alternative Press fair… And yet, I am just now finishing the illustrations for the issue (you can see most of them above, on my newly purchased drafting table). Well, it will hopefully be a good one… it is made up almost entirely of birds and other critters I saw while on vacation in Louisiana and Arkansas last summer, and its got plenty of water birds, varieties of songbirds we don’t get out here on the west coast, and even some beavers and alligators! We also happened to be on the Gulf Coast during the awful BP oil spill, and we saw some of the damage (and the clean up efforts) first hand, so I’ll have some thoughts on that as well (I’m also going to be selling the color centerfold from this issue, of a Brown Pelican, seen above, and donating the proceeds to the Audubon Society for their work in preserving and restoring bird habitats, I’ll post separately about that soon). Overall this should be a very cool issue, far away from my usual bird-watching environs. If you want to see some of my photos from that trip, I’ve got them online over on Flickr.

The next issue, Bird Brain #6, should follow close on the heels of this one. I went birding with my friends Jeanne Marie and Keri during the Great Backyard Bird Count, and that one day alone could fill almost an entire issue!

for now, expect Bird BRain #5 to be available in a few short weeks, at Wonder Con in San Francisco, online, and at some choice stores in Portland and beyond!