2016 in Review

Wow, what a crazy year.

Me watching the returns come in on Election Night.

I was definitely thrown for a loop by many of the events of 2016. It has been (for me) a difficult, emotional, and surprising year in many ways, and I am still processing my feelings about it (and will be for a long time). On a personal level this has been a very good year for me, after the big changes in 2015, 2016 finds me more stable, happy, calm, and productive than I have been in a long time. But that feeling of contentment is strongly tempered by (awful, frightening) events in the world around me. I’m going to be thinking about my creative work, and its place in the world, in the days and months to come.

However, as I said, this year was a very productive one for me creatively… I have had my nose to the grindstone all year long and I have made a lot of progress with projects big and small! I wanted to take a moment to share some of last year’s projects with you, and talk a little about what is coming in 2017:

Operation: Pineapple Sparkle #2 & #3 (plus a Collection!)

A party scene from Operation: Pineapple Sparkle #3

This year I finished not one but two issues of my comic Operation: Pineapple Sparkle! This comic series, commissioned by Area 1 Security, follows the various actors in a cyber attack. I was shocked to realize when I had finished the third issue that O:PS had blossomed to a full-length book (80 pages of comics, 96 pages in print!) with a complete narrative arc, making 2015 the year in which I completed my first graphic novel! What?! You can read it online here, tho’ I don’t think the third issue has been uploaded yet.

Linework NW

Giving the farewell address at LWNW 2016.

2016 marked the third year for Linework NW, the illustration and comics show I co-founded with Zack Soto. I think we were able to create a really wonderful show this year, maximizing the potential of our venue and adding a gloss of professionalism to the proceedings overall. We had planned on making LWNW 2016 the final one (it is definitely an exhausting enterprise to put on, esp. for me now that I live on the other side of the continent from Portland), but the good vibes at the show were so powerful that the crew decided we would return in 2018 after all! I’m excited to take this extra time to really think about the show and how we can make it even better.

Titan #3 & #4 (and Titan en francais!)

The cover print for Titan #4, showcasing Brandon Graham’s awesome back cover.

2016 saw the release of two issues of Titan from Study Group Comics, #3 and #4! Considering that it took me two years between issues #1 and #2, I am very very happy that I was able to make that much headway on this project. I’m on track (well, slightly behind) to finish the final double-sized issue early in 2017. Titan is the project that is nearest and dearest to my hear, a sci-fi tale that has been rattling around in the back of my mind for the better part of a decade or more. I feel really honored that I am able to release these ideas into the world and that the story, characters, and ideas seem to resonate with people. Thank you for your support!

One other very exciting pice of news: It has been officially announced that Titan will be published in book form in 2017! And what’s more, in French! I am very very happy to say that ´´Editions Pow Pow, a fantastic press here in Montréal, will be publishing a 200+ page, French-language edition of Titan in Spring 2017!

WANC Logo for Ed Luce


What a fun project! Ed Luce contacted me about updating the logo for WANC (Wrasslin’ Association of National Champions), he wild and wooly wrestling league featured in his amazing Wuvable Oaf comics. He wanted something that echoed the glorious chrome excesses of the 1980s, and I think we created something pretty awesome together! A logo designer’s dream project for one of the nicest guys in the world.

Book Designs

A pile of my book design projects, including a few from years past.

I love designing books. Of all the design projects I get to do, book design is always my favorite. This year I was lucky enough to work on a bunch of great publications: Vile by Tyler Landry, The Schizby Bob Levin, Cowboys & Insects by David Hine and Shaky Kane, Study Group Magazine, Danger Country RPG by Levon Jihanian, The Secret Voice by Zack Soto, and Magical Character Rabbit by Kinoko Evans,  How to Improve Your French Conversation, and The ShortCon by Pete Toms and Aleks Sennwald, coming out in 2017.

Many Thanks and Happy New Year!

I was amazed by this holiday cake, baked by my wonderful partner Carine.

As always, many thanks to your for your continued interest in my work. I can’t express how much it means ot me that you read my comics, support me here on Patreon, or otherwise consider my creative outpu to be worthy of your time. 2016 was my first full year as a full-time creative. I’m very excited to keep this ball rolling and bring you new things all throughout 2017!

May we all have a better and brighter new year.