Orcs in Space #5 and #6 in Stores Soon!

Following a short one-month break in October (when the first collection of Orcs in Space will be hitting bookstores everywhere!), the gang is back together for a brand new story arc in November! Orcs in Space #5 will be out on November 10, with the orcs breaking into a factory planet to search for D.O.N.A.’s origins.
Preorder Orcs in Space #5 at your local comic book shop (SEP211657)!

Then issue #6 will be hitting comic book shops on December 15, with all the “Chills! Thrills! And GRIDDLES!” you can handle!

The guys head to Starstop Zitti and encounter mountains of Wally Waffles merch, two-headed restauranteurs, and the most badass gang of cuties (or is it the cutest gang of badasses?) the Fuzzballs.
Preorder Orcs in Space #6 at your local comic book shop (OCT211605)!

Now is the time to order your copies of the new issues and add Orcs in Space to your pull list… Your local comic book shop and I will both be happy!
PREVIEWS Code: SEP211657
In Stores: 11/10/2021
PREVIEWS Code: OCT211605
In Stores: 12/15/2021