I Cover Frank Cho’s X-Men!

Oh snap! I’ve done another one of my drawings for the Covered blog… this time I’m tackling Liberty Meadows creator and recent X-Men artist Frank Cho… As always, I’m trying to tackle someone who’s art I really enjoy, and yet is quite obviously quite different than my style… not to mention a super fucking draftsman! Frank joins an elite cadre of artists, in the past I’ve covered Adam Hughes and James Jean.

Anyone who knows me knows I grew up on the X-Men, and basically learnt to draw by badly copying Jim Lee, so its a delight to be revisiting those characters. Anyone who knows me will also tell you I’m a sucker for bodacious babes, which explains why my eye kept wandering back to this cover on the stands a few months back… Dude, Rogue’s body be slammin’! Seriously, I had to laugh when I was marking up a copy for the purposes of reproducing the layout… Her cleavage is right in the center of the composition!

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the intensity of the male gaze in the comics industry, and I have to admit I’m torn… No doubt that there’s some egregious crap out there, and way too much of it, but I also guiltily like the cheesecake factor in comics, too. I think the thing that bugs me the most is that there’s such a preponderance of a single body type in mainstream comics. Rogue’s body, as Cho quite beautifully renders it, isn’t impossible or anything… but when you walk into a comics shop that’s the only female body type that you see, and I wish that wasn’t the case. I mean, how sexy is Jaime Hernandez’s work, with its multitude of female forms… not to mention the fact that they’re more often than not fully formed characters.

Anyways, sorry to ramble… Please enjoy my little foray into superhero comics and my homage to Frank Cho, whose art I’ve enjoyed for many years now, and is obviously (in my opinion) not one of the worst offenders.

BTW, if you really love my drawing, I’ve got the original art for sale at my Etsy page.