The Art of Note Taking

I’m back in school again, this time at Reed College, where I have entered as a Junior in the English Dep’t. I do a lot of doodling in class whilst I am taking notes… Hopefully getting down some information at the same time. Since the classroom environments at Reed are much more intimate then at my previous school (SFSU), several of my co-students have noted these doodles, and that got me thinking that I might as well scan ’em and put ’em up here on the blog… After all, with homework and all taking up my free time, these are my primary, daily illustrative output! Hope you enjoy… I’ll put up some more later.

Notes from Humanaties 110, the ubiquitous Reed College foundational course… Ancient Grees, Rome, Egypt, etc.

Notes from my Junior Seminar, a semester-long look at Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man and its predecessors/influences.