Graphic Novel Class at Reed

I’ve been taking a pretty fun comics class at Reed College called Battle Lines: Graphic Novels and War. Its taught by a visiting professor from L.A., Pato Hebert (you can check out his work here), which is a mix of reading (quite a mix, from usual suspects like Maus to nice Euro stuff like The Photographer and Notes on a War Story) and a studio art class… I am definitely one of the more “pro” folks in the class, as there are students from all different disciplines there (which isn’t to say that there isn’t good and fun work coming outta there, Lucy Bellwood, who’s working on an autobio GN and a GN thesis project at Reed (!!), is quite talented (check out her stuff here), and the crazy progress some of the students have made is amazing).

I’ll be posting some of my assignments in the coming weeks… Here is the first, with a blanket theme of “conflict.” It’s based on a real incident I observed in the Marin Headlands, tho’ of course not with these garish colors.